Scorpio Lunar Eclipse

This lunar eclipse will be exact at 25 degrees and 17 minutes of Scorpio on 15 May 2022 at 9:14 p.m. PDT and on 16 May 2022 at 12:14 a.m. EDT/ 5:14 a.m. BST

In This Article

  • Lunar Eclipses in General

  • This Lunar Eclipse's Chart Features

  • TLDR Summary

  • Recommendations

  • Topics by Rising Sign

Lunar Eclipses in General

A lunar eclipse adds darkness and mystery to the tension of an ordinary full moon. Full moons coincide with the culmination of our past six months' effort in a particular area of life. The area of life affected for each person will depend on the sign in which the full moon occurs, and where that sign is located in one's natal chart. During full moons, there is often a tension between what we see (represented by the sun) and how we feel (represented by the moon). That tension comes from the sun and moon being 180 degrees apart on the ecliptic, an opposition.

Lunar eclipses add two elements to that dynamic. First, the moon's light is temporarily obscured, corresponding to an inability to see what is being felt or embodied. Second, eclipses occur when the sun and moon are within 15 degrees of the lunar nodes, Rahu (the North Node) and Ketu (aka the South Node). In a nutshell, Rahu consumes and Ketu purges, but they tend to do so in surprising and unsustainable ways. For this reason, it's a good idea to approach eclipses with caution.

This Lunar Eclipse's Chart Features

  • Moon conjunct South Node in Scorpio's third decan: This eclipse is likely to find us letting go of material items and feeling intense emotions. Perhaps we choose to let go of items that we associate with painful memories. Or it may be that we experience intense emotions as a result of losing or releasing some items.

  • Moon trine ruler Mars, which is conjunct Neptune in Pisces' third decan: The feelings accompanying the release described above will be influenced by the will, desire and ability to achieve a dream, but not necessarily the wisdom to know if attaining that goal will actually be good for us. It will be difficult to aim clearly, to discern between what is real and what is projected.

  • Sun conjunct North Node in Taurus's third decan, copresent with Uranus: The loss or purge of material items will be in tension with a recent focus on the struggle for stability amidst unpredictable circumstances.

  • Sun's ruler Venus in Aries' second decan, copresent with Jupiter in Aries' first decan: The struggle for stability in unpredictable circumstances is influenced by wanting more than one is able to acquire, boosted by enthusiasm for independence.

  • Moon and Sun in T-square with Saturn in Aquarius' third decan: Releasing items conflicts with obligations and responsibilities that we have been wishing to relinquish, but that would let others down if we did so. Those obligations and responsibilities are also causing friction with the unstable circumstances in which we find ourselves. This adds considerable difficulty to the tension between releasing and stabilizing.

  • Meanwhile, Mercury is retrograde: This eclipse occurs near the beginning of a three week period of miscommunications, botched plans, typos, and fixing yesterday's mistakes. Remaining mindful that misunderstandings are more likely, take care to ensure that others understand you and vice versa.

TLDR Summary

We want more stability, perhaps more than we can actually achieve. To get that stability, something must be let go, and letting go will likely cause intense emotions. A rule or obligation makes this whole process more difficult. On top of all that, people are misunderstanding each other, mistakes are being made and discovered, and stuff is breaking. But this too shall pass, and we'll benefit from bravely handling this energy as best we can.


  1. Let go of things: Sometimes the way to deal with difficult astro weather is to do a challenging but constructive thing that matches the energy of that transit. Take a look at the Topics by Rising Sign section to determine the area of your life where you can expect a purge to be necessary during the eclipse. Then think of some constructive ways you could get rid of some things that no longer serve you in that life area. Then work your plan, either on the day of the eclipse or during the following two weeks.

  2. Plan for unexpected developments: Since unpredictability is a key theme in this eclipse, leave some wiggle room in your plans for detours. Also, skew your plans toward mildness, since the eclipse can make things extreme. For example, rather than giving away all of your possessions, start with just one bag of items to donate, and see how that feels for a couple of weeks before going hardcore minimalist.

  3. Provide yourself with emotional support: Have your emotional support tools handy to help you through some potentially difficult feelings. Talk with your therapist, do some yoga, meditation, journaling, coloring, dancing, or whatever you find most helpful for moving through the feels.

  4. Double check your work: We'll all be more accident prone during Mercury's retrograde, which will be in effect until June 3rd, so take care to communicate clearly and make sure you understand what you're reading and hearing.

  5. Cleanse your energy: Many astrologers recommend taking a bath and adding salt to the water during eclipses. You may also choose to burn sage or palo santo to clear the energy of the space around you. If you're magically inclined, the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram can be helpful. The Vedic tradition of astrology offers many mantras that one can chant to propitiate the energy of the eclipse, and these are easy to find on YouTube by searching for "Ketu eclipse mantras." Simple meditation can also do the trick.

Topics by Rising Sign

If you know your rising sign you can further individualize your approach by considering the house topics Scorpio represents for you. If you don't know your rising sign, you can email me your birth date, time and city and I'll look it up for you:

Aries: Inheritance, shared resources, taxes, debt, mortality

Taurus: Romantic partners, close friends, clients

Gemini: Physical health, work, chores, pets, service

Cancer: Creativity, children, leisure

Leo: Home, family, private life

Virgo: Communication, daily schedule, siblings, commute

Libra: Finances, possessions, values

Scorpio:Self-presentation, appearance, personality, body

Sagittarius: Solitude, meditation, dreams, substance use, mental health

Capricorn: Community, friend groups, goals

Aquarius: Career, reputation, public life

Pisces: Beliefs, higher education, long-distance travel